Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 7/30/08



Planning Board Attendees

Arnold Cohen, Chair

Susan Price

Paul Lauenstein, Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan  - absent

Eli Hauser, Clerk



Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer, Consultant






Chair’s Report

The meeting began at 7:40 PM with Chair Cohen reading the Chair’s Report.


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Lauenstein moved to accept the minutes of 6/25/08 as amended.  Ms. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Mr. Lauenstein moved to accept the minutes of 7/09/08 as amended.  Ms. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Inclusionary Housing

Mr. Lauenstein proposed three ways for developers to fulfill their obligation for affordable housing under Inclusionary Housing warrant article. These include requiring 10% of what is being built on-site be affordable, building affordable units off-site, or purchasing deed restrictions on existing homes off-site.


Mr. Lauenstein proposed that the option to build affordable units in virgin open space be removed from the previous draft of this warrant article.


Mr. Hauser said that simplicity is good. He suggested providing examples to the Zoning Board of Appeals and also proposed leaving the exemption for Brickstone in the Inclusionary Housing warrant article.


Mr. Hauser stated that the residential development associated with Sharon Commons potentially could be designated a 40R District. This designation would benefit the Town with State subsidies depending on the number of units built as it would be considered a Smart Growth Project because of proximity to the highway and stores. He then described Avalon, Wilber and Sharon Commons housing and explained that we will be vulnerable to 40B in three years based on the timeline of when the building permits are issued for these three developments.


Mr. Hauser also commented that he is opening up dialogue with Mr. DeLappa regarding the redevelopment of apartments in the center of Town as an affordable 40B LIP. In order to rebuild there needs to be a solution to the water treatment issues in the center of Town. He said by the early fall we should have a sense of the feasibility of a waste water treatment facility based on the consultants study.  A lengthy discussion regarding affordable housing ensued between the Board members, each providing their own opinion.


Mr. Hauser advocated to give Brickstone the exemption within the Inclusionary Housing warrant article and agreed to invite Brickstone to a future meeting to discuss. Ms. Price stated that we need to have language excluding Brickstone since the development agreement between Brickstone and the Town was made prior to the proposed Inclusionary Housing warrant article and they have made a monetary commitment towards affordable housing. Mr. Lauenstein responded by pointing out that Brickstone is attempting to renegotiate elements of the development agreement.


Sign Review/Bond Approval



Form A’s



Next meeting dates through the end of August

8/13 and 8/27



Ms. Levitts to submit a placeholder for Inclusionary Housing.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Hauser moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 PM and Ms. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.